Preparing to give a presentation can be nerve-wracking. Whilst you may be confident in your presentation subject, public speaking may not be something you are used to. Having an audience’s attention on you may make you nervous, but at Venton we try to take the pressure off by providing expert advice, and state of the art presentation spaces.
If you are planning for an upcoming presentation then we have some useful tips to help make your presentation run smoothly.Your AudienceChances are, when preparing for your presentation you are already aware of your subject and objective. You will already have considered your audience when coming up with the objective, so now you need to tailor your presentation to the target audience.
Tailoring your audience experience can depend on group size, experience levels, age or gender, and more. You also need to ensure your audience will be as comfortable as possible, so you will be their sole focus without any unnecessary distractions.
Presentation LocationWhen giving a presentation to a group of people, the comfort of both your audience and yourself is of utmost importance. Technical difficulties, broken aircon and room size are just a few of the elements that can add stress to your presentation.
A location that offers clean, large presentation areas with high-tech equipment and adjustable seating will be beneficial to a smooth presentation. When a presentation room has everything you need without any hassle it takes any frustration out of your presentation, allowing you to focus solely on giving your audience a presentation to the best of your ability.
Taking TimeAnother thing to consider when giving a presentation is when you will be giving it, and how long you plan for it to go on for.
Giving a presentation outside of regular working hours is unlikely to endear you to your audience. If you are thinking about which time to provide your presentation, audiences tend to be more alert in the mornings.
However if you want to give your presentation in the afternoon it may be a good idea to get your audience involved to keep their attention as they start to feel more lethargic. Another option for enhancing audience engagement is providing lunch or snacks, it may also help to convince more people to attend your presentation who may have been unsure beforehand.
Ready to plan your presentation?Remembering that being asked to give a presentation should be seen as an honour rather than a chore is vital for giving an enthusiastic presentation.
Venton Conference Centre can provide presentation rooms for 10 to 120 people, for flexibility and a customisable space with a variety of layouts to suit your needs.
Contact our team today to find out more about our presentation spaces, or to book a room for your next successful presentation.
Tailoring your audience experience can depend on group size, experience levels, age or gender, and more. You also need to ensure your audience will be as comfortable as possible, so you will be their sole focus without any unnecessary distractions.
Presentation LocationWhen giving a presentation to a group of people, the comfort of both your audience and yourself is of utmost importance. Technical difficulties, broken aircon and room size are just a few of the elements that can add stress to your presentation.
A location that offers clean, large presentation areas with high-tech equipment and adjustable seating will be beneficial to a smooth presentation. When a presentation room has everything you need without any hassle it takes any frustration out of your presentation, allowing you to focus solely on giving your audience a presentation to the best of your ability.
Taking TimeAnother thing to consider when giving a presentation is when you will be giving it, and how long you plan for it to go on for.
Giving a presentation outside of regular working hours is unlikely to endear you to your audience. If you are thinking about which time to provide your presentation, audiences tend to be more alert in the mornings.
However if you want to give your presentation in the afternoon it may be a good idea to get your audience involved to keep their attention as they start to feel more lethargic. Another option for enhancing audience engagement is providing lunch or snacks, it may also help to convince more people to attend your presentation who may have been unsure beforehand.
Ready to plan your presentation?Remembering that being asked to give a presentation should be seen as an honour rather than a chore is vital for giving an enthusiastic presentation.
If you have a presentation coming up and are looking for an appropriate space, Venton offers
four flexible conference rooms with Cynap Pure and Samsung Flip 2 technology for effortless presentations that give a professional view to your audience.Venton Conference Centre can provide presentation rooms for 10 to 120 people, for flexibility and a customisable space with a variety of layouts to suit your needs.
Contact our team today to find out more about our presentation spaces, or to book a room for your next successful presentation.